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Keamanan Internet

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Internet dapat menjadi sumber daya yang luar biasa untuk anak-anak. Mereka dapat menggunakannya untuk penelitian laporan sekolah, berkomunikasi dengan guru dan anak-anak lain, dan bermain game interaktif. Anak-anak yang cukup tua untuk pukulan di beberapa huruf pada keyboard harfiah dapat mengakses dunia.

Tetapi akses yang juga dapat menimbulkan bahaya. Sebagai contoh, sebuah 8 tahun bisa melakukan pencarian online untuk "Lego." Tetapi dengan hanya satu terjawab keystroke, kata "Kaki" dimasukkan sebagai gantinya, dan anak bisa diarahkan ke website membunuh dengan fokus pada kaki - beberapa di antaranya mungkin berisi materi pornografi.

Itulah mengapa penting untuk menyadari apa yang anak Anda lihat dan dengar di Internet, yang mereka bertemu, dan apa yang mereka berbagi mengenai diri mereka sendiri secara online.

Sama seperti masalah keamanan, adalah bijaksana untuk berbicara dengan anak-anak Anda tentang keprihatinan Anda, mengambil keuntungan dari sumber daya untuk melindungi mereka, dan mengawasi kegiatan mereka.
Internet Safety Hukum

Sebuah undang-undang federal, Anak-Anak Undang-Undang Perlindungan Privasi Online (COPPA), diciptakan untuk membantu melindungi anak-anak online. Ini dirancang untuk menjaga siapa saja dari mendapatkan informasi pribadi seorang anak tanpa orang tua mengetahui tentang hal ini dan menyetujui terlebih dahulu.

COPPA membutuhkan situs web untuk menjelaskan kebijakan privasi mereka di situs tersebut dan mendapatkan izin orang tua sebelum mengumpulkan atau menggunakan informasi pribadi anak, seperti nomor, nama alamat, telepon, atau nomor Jaminan Sosial. Undang-undang juga melarang situs dari membutuhkan seorang anak untuk memberikan informasi yang lebih pribadi dari yang diperlukan untuk bermain game atau berpartisipasi dalam kontes.

Tetapi bahkan dengan hukum ini, perlindungan terbaik online anak-anak Anda adalah Anda. Dengan berbicara kepada mereka tentang bahaya online potensi dan memantau penggunaan komputer mereka, Anda akan membantu mereka menjelajah Internet dengan aman.
Water for Elephants

Laught Well, Live Well

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Researchers have long known that laughter boosts the immune system, lowers cholesterol and blood pressure, and reduces stress. In a preliminary new study, psychoneuro-immunologist Lee Berk and his team at Loma Linda University in California show that the parallels between laughing and exercise go even further: Shifts in appetite hormones following a case of the giggles resemble the effects of a moderate session at the gym.
Berk measured blood levels of ghrelin, a hunger-regulating hormone, before and after 14 study participants watched 20 minutes of humorous TV (selected from a menu including Saturday Night Live, Bill Cosby’s stand-up, and Seinfeld). He then compared the data with hormone levels recorded before and after the test subjects watched the distressing opening battle scenes of Saving Private Ryan. Regardless of the order in which they saw the clips, people’s ghrelin concentrations spiked after the funny session, “just like after a workout,” Berk says.
Elevated levels of ghrelin signal the brain that the body is using energy and will soon need more fuel. Laugh therapy will not replace exercise for weight loss, then, but it could help people with conditions that cause appetite loss, such as depression and chronic pain. Berk is now studying whether laughter can also reduce inflammation associated with many illnesses, including cancer and heart disease.

Puzzle Games Are Great for Kids

Monday, May 09, 2011

As children grow, they need to be exposed to different situations that will help them develop creative skills and critical thinking. The parents can achieve this by the use of puzzle games, which are not only witty and creative but also fun and exciting to play. The kids will find a wide number of them on the internet and they can select the ones that will give them the mental exercises they need.

Mathematics Puzzles
These types of games are set on mathematics and they are designed to provide the kids with the chance to solve various types of mathematical problems. Some of them will deal with the basic operations such as addition, subtraction, division and multiplication, and the kids will be required to use them in a correct sequence in order to solve a problem presented to them. Other problems that the kids can solve using them include geometrical problems and arithmetic.

Develop critical thinking
Some of these puzzle games are logical and others are set in a logic-grid pattern and will require the kids to figure out the best answers to the different situations, set out a pattern by use of clues and others. There are quite a number of these online and the kids will need to reason well in order to come up with the best solution to the different situations that they are provided with.

In order to get the kids interested in these puzzle games, it is recommended that the parents start out with simple and fun ones. This is important because, when they start with the tough questions, they will stress the child out and their interest in them will subside or completely fade away. Fortunately, they are available for different ages of kids and parents will find many simple and interesting ones to introduce the child to.

Once the children have shown their interest, they can now start checking out others levels or versions. They can also engage their children and encourage them to select the ones that they like the most. In doing this, they will be offering the children the control over them and thus facilitate the development of these skills. They can also take part in these plays, and offer their children the support they need as they learn. When they do so, they will not only make their children relaxed but also give them a fresh mindset to handle different situations while having fun at the same time.



Sunday, May 08, 2011

Some places on Earth ooze with such rich scientific fodder they have become meccas for the research community. Here are a few hot spots that coax scientists out of their labs in droves.

As the planet continues to warm, most of the world's glaciers are retreating. But not the Perito Moreno glacier on Argentina's southernmost tip. Miraculously, this glacier has stayed about the same size while its neighboring glaciers in the Patagonian icefield have shrunk.

Scientists want to know why. Every year since 1990, researchers have trekked to this achingly beautiful place to measure ice loss, motion and thickness in these icefields, along with the depth of the glacial lakes below them. One hypothesis for Perito Moreno's stability: geometry. The physical characteristics of the land and lake bottom surrounding the glacier impede ice flow.